Sunday 15 January 2012

15th Jan 2012

I lost 3lbs this week - half a stone in two weeks! To celebrate I ate a bar of Hotel chocolate I had been hiding from myself since Christmas and I did enjoy it but I got a headache, heartburn and felt guilty so don't think I will have anymore chocolate for a while!

Made a lovely soup for lunch from my scrap book - Sweetcorn and chilli soup. I added two dried chillis instead of one fresh one, some more lemon juice and lots of black pepper then thickened it with cornflour paste. Really nice served with grated cheese and the last of the half fat sour cream.

Honey & Lime Tilapia - recipe from served with my spur of the moment rice. I cooked a boil in the pag rice. made a three egg omelet with dried chilli and chopped chived and stir fried some chopped baby corns and sugar snaps with sesame oli, lime juice, honey and soy sauce.


1 comment:

  1. Nice to see that you are cooking and bogging agin. Well done with the weight loss. x
