Wednesday 3 July 2013

Orange Pistachio & Dark Chocolate Cookies

This one was a combination a few recipes to make something a bit middle eastern in flavour which was what I fancied that day!

220g Unsalted Butter
145g Caster Sugar
1 Egg Yolk
2 tsp's Orange Essence
1 tsp Ground Ginger
275g Plain Flour
Pinch Salt
150g Chopped Pistachios
250g 60% Dark Chocolate
1 tbsp Honey

Cream butter and sugar then beat in egg yolk and orange essence. Sift flour, salt and ginger and mix in with the creamed butter until they form a dough and mix in 100g of the chopped pistachios. Put into a ball, wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.     

Heat oven to 180 c and line baking sheet. Roll dough out between baking paper until 1cm thick and use a cookie cutter as desired. Bake for 12 minutes or until golden.

Chop the dark chocolate and put in a microwavable jug with the honey for 30 second bursts until melted. Dip a corner of the cookies in then sprinkle with the rest of the chopped pistachios and leave to set in the fridge for 20 minutes.  

Everybody said these were fantastic and have asked me to make these again and pass the recipe on - well here it is!

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